Places Journal, January 2024.
House of Commons .
House of Commons .
House of Commons .
House of Commons .
House of Commons .
House of Commons .
House of Commons .
© 2023 Author. This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-International License ( Published by the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia .
Buildings and Cities journal, 1 November 2023. .
Inside Housing, 25th March, 2022.
Pdf .
Usable Buildings, April 2022, 30pp, High resolution copy 20.3 Mb. Creative Commons open access .
RIBA Journal, 9 May, 2022
Pdf .
CIBSE Technical Symposium, UK April 2022 .
Guardian, 26 September, 2002.
Pdf .
European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 5, no 1, Jan-June 2022 .
BD (Building Design) Online, 9 August, 2022.
Pdf .
Residential geothermal air-conditioning: inhabitants’ comfort, behaviour and energy use Buildings and Cities, 3(1), pp. 226–249.
Pdf .
The Guardian, 30 Aug 2021
Pdf .
The Guardian, 22nd March 2022.
Pdf .
PhD thesis The Open University. 2022.
38MB pdf .
Sustainability 13(14), July 2021. Creative Commons open source article. .
Good Homes Alliance and The Home Grown Homes Project, February 2021. See also
BPE Toolkit. .
STBA, Responsible Retrofit Series November, 2021
Buildings and Cities, Research Pathways, 15 March 2021
Pdf .
Sustainability 13, 2021. Open source article.
As published .
Automation in Construction. Includes case study of the Marine Building, University of Plymouth. © The authors. Open access article. .
SBE21 Sustainable Built Heritage, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 863 (2021). Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence.
Dedicated to the memory of Neil May 1962-2018 .
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Wellbeing, 16,1 2021 .
Journal of Architectural Conservation, August 2021
As published
Environmental Politics, 3 February 2021.
Online .
Building Research and Information, 30 Dec 2021, Log-in required, paywall. .
Buildings and Cities, 1(1), 260–276, July 2020. Open access with downloadable
PDF and
XML versions also available. .
BORDASS W., Review of 'The Architecture of Natural Cooling' by B. Ford, R. Schiano-Phan and J. Vallejo, Second Edition, Routledge 2020,
Published bi-monthly by Branz in New Zealand. This is an excellent, well-presented and freely open source of material .
Commentary Jan 14 2020 .
Online journal which 'questions the blind belief in technological progress' .
No Tech Magazine has shorter posts, links and updates from Low-Tech Magazine. "We refuse to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution." .
Gaia Group Ltd for Zero Waste Scotland, October, 2020 .
Apollo Magazine, 10 June 2020 .
E3S Web Conf. Volume 172, 2020, 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) Open access under Creative Commons article
Sustainability 2020, 12, Creative Commons open source article. .
July 2020. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0236116.
PLOS One Open access under Creative Commons licence .
Buildings, vol 10, p. 82, 2020. Creative Commons open source article .
Buildings and Cities journal, Special Issue, September 24, 2020. Link goes to Buildings and Cities website. Creative commons open access. .
The Edge Commission, Second Edition, January, 2020 .
Victoria University of Wellington, Masters thesis .
Innovate UK (14.4 Mb download) .
Atmosphere 2020, 11, 62 Creative Commons open source article.
Atmosphere .
Windsor Conference
TVVL Magazine, Netherlands, Number 5, October 2020 .
Buildings and Cities, 1(1), 610–624. Open access 21 Sep 2020
The Centre on Zero Emission Building - ZEB, Preprint, 2020 .
BC Housing Research Centre, University of Victoria, 2020.
BC Housing
Absolute Zero
CIBSE Journal, Feb 2019, 21-22. Interview with Quinten Babcock and Blll Bordass .
Architects' Journal, April 15, 2019. Safari Reader copy from AJ online. This version with comments up to 4 May 2019
AJ Original version .
Building and Environment, 153, 15 Apr 2019. Open source under Creative Commons Licence. .
Energy Research & Social Science, July 2019,
Euram June 2019: Exploring the future of management, Lisbon, 2019 .
Passive House +, Issue 26, October 2018. .
Building Research & Information, Volume 47, 2018, Special issue: Energy and climate change solutions: India's building stock. Links to Taylor & Francis website . .
British Standards Institute (BSI), London , 2018 .
Building Research and Information, pp 437-452, Feb 2018. Be’er Sheva Courthouse, Israel. Paid-for download via Taylor & Francis website .
The Learning Organization, Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 78-96, 2018. The case study employed here is a large-volume UK housebuilder.
Earlier version
P. Rajagopalan and M.M Andamon (eds.), Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density: 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2018, pp. 27–33. ©2018, The Architectural Science Association and RMIT University, Australia. .
Journal of Sustainable Design and Applied Research, vol 5,1, 2017 .
Sustainability 2017, 9, 18pp. Open access article .
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium, pp 13.1-13-13, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal .
STBA (Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance), 2017 .
British Journal of Sociology, Volume 68, Issue 4 .
Usable Buildings Trust, May 2016 .
UK Feasibility Review Report, May 2016 .
REHVA Journal, May 2016, pp 56-59 .
In Chapter 19: Creating the Productive Workplace. Clemence-Croome D. (ed). Routledge, third edition, 2017. .
Innovate UK .
Innovate UK .
Architectural Science Association Conference 2016 .
in Fifty years later: Revisiting the role of architectural science in design and practice: 50th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2016, pp. 607-616 .
A shorter version is chapter 15 of Wolfgang F.E. Preiser, Aaron T. Davis, Ashraf M. Salama, and Andrea Hardy (Editors), Architecture Beyond Criticism, Routledge, 2015, pps160-170. .
BSRIA, 23 July 2015 .
Innovate UK 450072 .
Energy Policy, pp 280-288, Oct 2015. Creative Commons open source article .
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2015 .
49th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2015,
Thesis (19Mb) .
Chapter 7 of Woolner P. (ed), School Design Together, Routledge, 2015. No open access copy available.
Please contact authors .
Innovate UK 450070 Related study: 450014 (Phase 1) .
University of Leeds, September 2015 .
Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance (
STBA), August 2015
School of the Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University, CA Sustainable Architecture, and Four Walls for Crest Nicholson PLC,
Avante Housing Development Innovate UK Project ref 450011 .
in R.H. Crawford and A. Stephan (eds.), Living and Learning: Research for a Better Built Environment: 49th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2015, pp.85–99. .
CIBSE Journal, Jan 2015, pps 42-43. .
Birling Consulting, November 2015 .
Innovate UK Project ref 450050 .
Innovate UK 450102 .
Chapter 2 of PENOYRE G. & PRASAD S., Refit for Purpose: low energy renewal of non-domestic buildings, RIBA Publishing, 2014 pps 13-22 .
CIBSE Journal, October 2014, pps 20-26 .
CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 3-4 April 2014 .
Chapter 2 of Prasad S., Retrofit for Purpose, RIBA Publishing, 2014 .
Innovate UK Project ref 450083 .
Innovate UK 450088 .
ECD Architects for Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd,
Bloom Court Innovate UK 450054 .
Glasgow School of Art, Mackintosh Environmental Architecture for Research Unit (MEARU) Architecture + Design Scotland,
Scotland’s Housing Expo Innovate UK 450073 .
Innovate UK Project ref 450009 .
Innovate UK 450104 .
Ecolibrium, May 2014, pps 72-80 .
J. Zuo, L. Daniel, V. Soebarto (eds.), Fifty years later: Revisiting the role of architectural science in design and practice: 50th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2016, pp. 587–596. .
Innvate UK 450040 Related study: 450013 (Phase 1)2 .
Low Carbon Building Group, Oxford Brookes University for Sanctuary Green Technologies,
Bryan House (Phase 1) Innovate UK 450100 .
Low Carbon Building Group, Oxford Brookes University, for Thames Valley Housing Association.,
Thames Valley Houses Innovate UK 450096 .
National Energy Foundation for the Three Rivers Housing Association,
Sinclair Meadows Innovate UK 450099 .
Innovate UK 450099 .
UCL and Crest Nicholson Operations for Crest Nicholson Plc,
Centenary Quay Innovate UK 450077 Related CHP study: 450078 (Phase 1) .
Innovate UK 450077 Related CHP study: 450078 (Phase 1) .
Innovate UK 450049 Related study: 450023 (Phase 1) .
Innovate UK 450069 .
Usable Buildings Trust, 2014 edition, authorised version by original authors. .
Guest editorial for New Professionalism, Building Research and Information, Building Research and Information journal, 41,1, pps 1-7, 2013. Download via Taylor & Francis website .
Indoor Air 2013; 23: 442–461. Full list of authors : R.J. de Dear, T. Akimoto, E.A. Arens, G. Brager, C. Candido, K.W.D. Cheong, B. Li, N. Nishihara, S.C. Sekhar,S. Tanabe, J. Toftum, H. Zhang, Y. Zhu .
Innovate UK 450055 .
M. A. Schnabel (ed.), Cutting Edge: 47th International Conference of the Architectural Science Associa- tion, pp. 231–240. © 2013, The Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), Australia .
Building Use Studies, April 2013. Prepared for coursework at Victoria University of Wellington, School of Architecture .
Innovate UK 450014 .
Innovate UK 450052 .
Innovate UK Project ref 450067 .
CIBSE Journal, December 2013 .
Best Practice Programme, General Information Report 40, 2013 .
Architectural Science Review, iFirst, 2013, 1 13. Link goes to Taylor & Francis website, paywall. .
Edge Debate 54, Building Centre, London, 20 February 2013 .
Innovate UK Project ref 450095 .
Innovate UK Project ref 450027 .
CIBSE Journal, March 2012, pps 30-36. Update of the performance of the Elizabeth Fry Building, University of East Anglia, first studied in 1998 in the Probe series of post-occupancy studies. .
Building Research and Information, Issue 2, 2012, pps 187-208. This paper is behind a paywall. .
Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance (SBTA), 2012. .
Innovate UK 450021 .
Published in shortened version CIBSE Journal, May 2011, pps 28-31 .
From the Carbon Trust-funded Low Carbon Buildings Performance (LCBP) research programme, 2011 .
Delta T, May 2011. From the Carbon Trust-funded Low Carbon Buildings Performance (LCBP) research programme .
From the Carbon Trust-funded Low Carbon Buildings Performance (LCBP) research programme 2011 .
From the Carbon Trust-funded Low Carbon Buildings Performance (LCBP) research programme 2011 .
From the Carbon Trust-funded Low Carbon Buildings Performance (LCBP) research programme 2011 .
Innovate UK 450023 Related study: 450049 (phase 2) .
Carbon Trust, Low Carbon Building Performance Programme, 2011 .
Innovate UK 450015 .
CIBSE Journal, December, 2011 .
D&A, Autumn 2011, Issue 16, pps 109-115. .
BUILD Magazine, 124, 1 June 2011 .
Usable Buildings Trust, November 2010 .
Usable Buildings Trust, October 2010 .
Building, Research and Information, 2001,114-128 .
Editorial for special issue of Building Research and Information, 2010, 38(5), pps 437-441. .
Facility Perspectives, Issue 35, May 2009 .
Delta T, BSRIA, Dec 2009, 8-12 .
Delta T Dec 2009, 8-12. .
Building Research & Information, Volume 37, Issue 1 January 2009 , pages 1 - 3. .
Ecolibrium, Dec 2009, 26-35 .
Usable Buildings Trust, 2009 .
English Heritage, October 2009 .
Delta t, BSRIA, October, 2008, pps 6-10. .
Building Services Journal, April 2008 .
Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings (IEECB) conference (IEECB '08), 10-11 April, 2008, Frankfurt .
Delta T, BSRIA, June 2008 .
Delta T, BSRIA, June 2008 .
Usable Buildings, March 2008 . Shorter version in Architects' Journal, March 13, 2008 .
Ecolibrium, the journal of Airah, pp. 22-30, November 2008. .
CSIRO, March 2008. Material on CH2 has been made available by the kind cooperation of the City of Melbourne, CSIRO and research agencies involved in carrying out the studies. .
Building Research and Information, 2008, 36(3), 269 279. This innovative paper proposes a sketch-plan for applied research based on the headings "Desired Performance", "Regulated Performance" and "Delivered Performance". [This link takes you to the Taylor & Frances website] .
Sustainability supplement to Building magazine, 28 September 2007, Digging beneath the greenwash, pps 8-11. .
Chapter 2, pages 19-23 of Sustainable Architecture, editor, D Turrent, London: RIBA Publications (October 2007) .
: a guide for good design and implementation, Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA), March 2007 .
2007 .
Delta t, BSRIA, October 2007, pps 12-16 .
Delta T Special report, BSRIA, 2007 12 pps .
LB-07-002, ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 113, Part 2, 2007 .
Building Research and Information, 2007, 35(6), 662-667. .
Building Services Journal, June, 2007 .
Construct Ireland, Nov 2007, pps 63-67. .
SB07, paper 4671, 9pp. Landcare Research , Private Bag 92 170, Auckland, NZ. .
The Usable Buildings Trust 2006 .
Essential FM Report 55, Environmental Management, 2006 .
Discussion Paper, The Usable Buildings Trust, London, 2006. .
Building Use Studies, London, 2006 .
Delta t, BSRIA, September 2006 .
British Council For School Environments (BCSE), 2006 .
Stationery Office, Dec 2006. .
Qualitative Inquiry, 12(2), 219–245, 2006.
Sage .
(refurbishment of NFU building), Building Services Journal, 30-34, November 2006. Thanks to BSJ for permission to use. .
Delta T, Dec 2006, pps 8-11 .
The Usable Buildings Trust, August 2006. .
Solar Progress, vol 26, no 2 June 2005 .
Discussion Paper, The Usable Buildings Trust, London, 2005, 14 pp .
Usable Buildings Trust, 2005 (first drafted February 2002). .
Building Research & Information (2005) 33(4), 347 352 .
Building Research & Information (2005) 33(4), 361 375 .
Solar Progress, vol 26, no 2 June 2005 .
Building Research and Information, 2005, vol 33 no 4, 361-375 .
DBA, June 2005 .
Aedas Case Study, DBA, June 2005 .
Arup Case Study, DBA, June 2005 .
Broadway Malyan Case Study, DBA, June 2005 .
Buro Happold Case Study, DBA, June 2005 .
ECA Case Study, DBA, June 2005 .
Feilden Clegg Bradley Case Study, DBA, June 2005 .
Penoyre and Prasad Case Study, DBA, June 2005 .
Whitby Bird Case Study, DBA, June 2005 .
WSP Case Study, DBA, June 2005 .
Innovate UK 450081 .
Glasgow School of Art, Mackintosh Environmental Architecture Research Unit (MEARU) for Dormont Estate,
Dormont Park PassivHaus Innovate UK 450097 .
in WORTHINGTON J, (ed), Reinventing the Workplace, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997, pp. 10-22 Second edition 2005 .
Revised 2005, for updated edition of Clemence-Croome D (ed), Creating the Productive Workplace, London, A & FN Spon, 2005.
Building Research and Information, 2005, vol 33 no 4, 353-360. .
conference paper prepared for Closing The Loop: Post-Occupancy Evaluation: the Next Steps, Windsor UK, 29 April - 2 May, 2004 .
Building Performance Congress, Frankfurt, April 19-24, 2004 .
conference paper prepared for Closing The Loop: Post-Occupancy Evaluation: the Next Steps, Windsor UK, 29 April - 2 May, 2004 .
Keynote conference paper prepared for Closing The Loop: Post-Occupancy Evaluation: the Next Steps, Windsor UK, 29 April - 2 May, 2004. Sir Andrew Derbyshire, 1923-2016, was a passionate supporter of the Usable Buildings Trust. This paper has the essence .
Human Givens Journal, Vol 11, no 2, 2004. .
Original text and graphics for article in Building Services Journal, April 2004 .
conference paper prepared for Closing The Loop: Post-Occupancy Evaluation: the Next Steps, Windsor UK, 29 April - 2 May, 2004 .
A slightly revised version of this paper was published as Chapter 3 of
S Macmillan (ed), Designing Better Buildings, London: Spon (2003), pages 21-32). .
Building Services Journal, September 2003, pps 6-8 .
Prepared for: Gaia Research Sustainable Construction Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminars.Also chapter in: Roaf S. (ed), Benchmarking Sustainable Building Performance, RIBA Publications, 2003 .
draft of chapter 19 of BEST R. (et al, eds) Building in Value, Volume III, UTS Sydney, 2003 .
chapter 13 of MACMILLAN S. (ed)., Designing Better Buildings, Taylor & Francis 2003. .
BSJ 57-62 (July 2002) .
Liber Quarterly 12, 2002, pp 26-45 .
NZ. Energy-Wise News, Feb/Mar 2002. Thanks to Cathy Sheehan for permission to use. .
Chapter for MacMillan, S (ed), Quality and Value in the Built Environment, Taylor and Francis, 2004. .
chapter 10 of Cole R. and Lorch R. (eds), Buildings, Culture and Environment Information: informing local and global practices, Blackwell Publishing, 2002 .
National Centre for Early Music, York: UK 2002, 37 pps. This project evaluation has keen kindly made available to Usable Buildings for use in the public domain by the trustees of the National Centre for Early Music.
University of Sydney, January 2002. Kindly made available for use in the public domain by the International Energy Agency: Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems.
See also ... .
Version of presentation to poster session of CIBSE 2002 National Conference, 24 October 2002 .
The Association for the Conservation of Energy and the Oxfordshire Energy Advice Centre, October 2001 .
William Bordass Associates, 2001 .
BSJ 51-56 (Nov 2001) .
(BSJ April 2001) .
Building Research and Information journal (BR&I) carried rejoinder papers to the Probe Special Issue (March/April 2001). For copyright reasons we cannot include the rejoinder papers themselves (by Baird, Fisk, Whyte and Gann, Markus, Preiser, Roberts, Szigeti and Davis and Cordy). To see these you will have to refer to the BR&I Dec 2001 and Jan-Feb 2002 issues. We can, though, include our response to them. .
Building Research and Information, Spring 2001 .
Statistical Science, 2001, 16.3, 199-231 .
Special issue of Strategic Asset Management (SAM) on Post-Occupancy Evaluation, August 24, 2001, Issue 69. AMQ International .
Chapter 6 of Davis Langdon Everest and Institute of Directors Directors' Guide 'Buildings That Work for Your Business: Building premises to enhance performance', October 2001 .
Association for the Conservation of Energy, October 2001 .
Partners in Innovation (PII), 2000 .
Building Reseach and Information, 28, 5/6, pps 338-352, 2000 .
BSJ 35-40 (July 2000) .
(BSJ June 2000) .
BSJ 35-40 (July 2000) .
Building Services Journal, November, 2000 .
Building Research and Information, vol 28, no 4, 2000. .
Building Services Journal, November, 2000. .
Energy and Environmental Management, Second Quarter, 2000, 23-27. .
Final Report to DETR .
Final Report to DETR .
Cibse National Conference 1999 .
BSJ 35-40 (January 1999) .
BSJ 35-38 (March 1999) .
BSJ 18-20 December 1999 .
Final Report to DETR .
Building Use Studies, internal, 1999 .
Final Report to DETR .
Final Report to DETR .
Edited version Architects' Journal 3 March 1999 .
Best Practice Programme, General Information Report, 48, Oct 1998 .
Best Practice Programme, General Information Report, 56, Oct 1998 .
Metals, Vol 1, April 1998, pp 21-72 English Heritage Research Transactions, Research and Case Studies in Architectural Conservation, .
Best Practice Programme, Good Practice Case Study 17, October 1990 .
BIFM Annual Conference, Queens College, Cambridge, UK, 22 September 1998 OHP foils .
BSJ 27-32 (August 1998) .
BSJ 37-42 (Oct 1998) .
BSJ 44 (June 1998) .
BRE Watford, UK, 1998, October 6-8 .
London: Usable Buildings, 1998, 18pp. Unfinished draft. .
London: Usable Buildings, 1998, 14pp. .
BSJ 33-39 (February 1998) .
BSJ 37-41 (April 1998) .
English Heritage and Lead Roof Association, 1997 (OCR Scan) .
Best Practice Programme, Good Practice Case study , 308, 1997 .
BIFM Annual Conference, 1997, September .
First presented to Buildings in Use '97, Commonwealth Institute, London, February 25, 1997 .
Building Research & Information, 25(3), 148-157 .
CIBSE National Conference, 1997, Oct .
BSJ, 37-41 (April 1997) .
CIBSE Journal, June 1997, 40-42 .
Workplace Comfort Forum, London, 1997, October 29-30 .
Fifth Indoor Air Quality Conference, Thursday 10 July 1997, British Library, London. .
BSJ 37-42 (October 1997) .
BSJ 25-30 (Dec 1997) .
BSJ 35-41 (April 1996) .
BSJ 39-43 (October 1996). The original BSJ article was destroyed in a London bomb attack. .
BSJ, 27-31 (December 1996. The original BSJ article was destroyed in a London bomb attack. .
in LEAMAN, A. (ed), Buildings in the Age of Paradox, IoAAS, University of York, 1996, pp. 3-14 .
Journal of Futures Studies 1, 1, 1996, 5-27. For similar interpretative framework see
The Logistical City .
BSJ 35-39 (August 1996). .
BSJ 35-39 (June 1996). This is the draft. The original BSJ article was destroyed in a London bomb attack. .
BSJ 31-34 (February 1996) .
Best Practice Programme, General Information Report, 31, Sep 1995 .
BSJ 38-41 (September 1995). This is a scan of the original BMJ article, kindly supplied by CIBSE. .
BRE Information paper, February 1995 .
BRE Environment Division, 1995. Please note. It should be correctly attributed to the BRE Environment Division with Mike Entwistle as lead author. .
Buildings in the Age of Paradox, IoAAS, National Power, 1995 pps 15-20 .
Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies and National Power, Proceedings of conference 16-17 November 1995 .
Workplace Comfort Conference, RIBA, 1995, March 22-23 .
Building Use Studies, 1995, April 25 .
BSJ 29-33 (December 1995) .
Buildings in the Age of Paradox, IoAAS, National Power, 1995, pps 21-30 .
CIBSE Lighting Conference, Cambridge, March 1994 .
Buildings and Environment Conference, BRE, 16-20 May, 1994 .
Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme, General Information Report GIA 15, March 1994 .
Building Use Studies, London,1994. .
Building Use Studies, 1994 .
Safety and Health Practitioner, 1994, Feb. .
Best Practice Programme, General Information Leaflet, 12, July 1993 .
Best Practice Programme, General Information Leaflet, 10, July 1993 .
in STERLING E., BIEVA C. and COLLET C (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Building Design, Technology and Occupant Well-Being in Temperate Climates, Brussels Feb 17-19, ASHRAE, Atlanta GA , 1993, pps. 12-15 .
Notes for BRE seminar, 17 May, 1993. Originally prepared as background for the evaluation of the Lansdown Window System (1992) .
Best Practice Programme, General Information Leaflet, Draft, Unpublished, March 1993 .
Building Services Journal, 20 January 1993 .
Property Journal, August 1993 .
Green Buildings Conference, Nottingham, March 1992, later republished in revised version in Building Services: the CIBSE Journal, September, 1992 .
Building Use Studies, 1992. An In-house review of a proposed window system. .
Facilities, 1992, March .
HSE, 42/1992 Download from Health and Safety Executive .
BEPAC Conference, Canterbury, UK, 1991 .
Building Pathology 91, 18-20 September 1991, Trinity College Oxford .
Environmental Quality 90 Conference, British Gas HQ, Solihull, 4-5 October 1990 .
William Bordass Associates, London, June 1990 .
Commissioned cartoons 1989 .
Chapter 1 of M Cassar (ed), Museums Environment Energy, HMSO, 1984, pps 5-16 © Crown copyright 1984 .
RIBA Energy Group, 1979 .
Electricity Council Research Centre, Proceedings of the first international indoor climate conference, 1978 .
Electricity Council Research Centre, Oct 1978, ECRC/M1185 .
Journal of Architectural Research, 5/1, March, 1976 .
Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 1925. This version
GREEN, Christopher D., Classics in the History of Psychology, York University, Toronto, Canada. Online since 1997
".. the full texts of historically significant public domain documents from the scholarly literature of psychology and allied disciplines..."
Reader version
Index by Topic